Dance with Kandinsky

Often, when we use tech to express ourselves, the idea of motion is often overlooked.
In this project inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's art, the use of body and motion are highlighted
as a way to convey emotion and express sound. As a synesthete, (A person with synesthesia, a condition in which
the normally separate senses are not separate. Sight may mingle with sound, taste with touch, etc.
Other synesthetes hear colors.) Kandinsky's senses interwove sounds with shapes and colors.
With hopes to give this experience to others with no synesthesia, I created this project
to allow expression with both body movement and creating art with sound.

INSTRUCTIONS: Move your body, and watch as the shapes follow and sound changes.
Your nose controls the pitch while your right wrist controls volume.

Click the canvas and press "c" to clear the art you've created.
Click the canvas and press "s" to save and download the art you've made as an image.
Click the drop down menu to select between different oscillator sounds, "sine, triangle, sawtooth, square."